The BEPP Template shows information your Building Emergency Preparedness Plans (BEPP) must contain, such as specific data for a list or roster. However, it does not dictate format. For example,
if you have a building equipment inventory or emergency coordinator roster in a spreadsheet, that’s fine. However, its formatting may come in handy
if you need to develop brand-new material.
Using the BEPP Template
Click the following link to automatically download the file to your device:
Click Show in folder or go to the Downloads folder on your
device to open it.
Save and review the file, then determine which parts of a BEPP you may already have and
whether you may need to use parts of the Template file to create required information.
As needed at any time during the process, contact the Emergency Management Department for
guidance or questions at:
When your BEPP is complete, contact Emergency Management at
to determine the best way to convey your plan file(s). A staff member will follow up to plan the next steps in the review and approval process.