EOC Activation Levels
Level 1 (Monitor) Lowest Level Activation
- Small incident or event
- One site
- Two or more agencies involved
- Potential threat of:
- Flood
- Severe storm
- Interface fire
- Escalating incident
- EOC Manager, Director Emergency Preparedness
- Public Information Officer
- Liason Officer
- Operations Section Chief
Minimum Staffing Requirements
Level 2 (Partial) Moderate Level Activation
- Moderate event
- Two or more sites
- Several agencies involved
- Major scheduled event (e.g., conference or sporting event)
- Limited evacuations
- Resource support required
- EOC Manager, Director Emergency Preparedness
- Public Information Officer
- Liason Officer
- Section Chiefs (as required)
- Limited activation of other EOC staff (as required)
Minimum Staffing Requirements
Level 3 (Full) Full Scale Activation
- Major event
- Multiple sites
- Regional disaster
- Multiple agencies involved
- Extensive evacuations
- Resource support required
- EOC Manager, Director Emergency Preparedness
- Policy Group
- Liason Officer
- All EOC functions and positions (as required)
Minimum Staffing Requirements
EOC Activation Level Decision Flow
UAMS incident commanders use the following process flow to help set EOC activation levels. They are based on the impact an event has on UAMS and its operations.